Смотреть что такое "goods-in-progress" в других словарях:
goods — /gυdz/ plural noun 1. ♦ goods and chattels moveable personal possessions ♦ goods in progress the value of goods being manufactured which are not complete at the end of an accounting period ● Our current assets are made up of stock, goods in… … Marketing dictionary in english
progress — n. /prog res, reuhs/ or, esp. Brit., /proh gres/; v. /preuh gres /, n. 1. a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree. 2. developmental activity in science, technology, etc., esp. with… … Universalium
Genuine Progress Indicator — The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) is a concept in green economics and welfare economics that has been suggested to replace gross domestic product (GDP) as a metric of economic growth.GPI is an attempt to measure whether a country s growth,… … Wikipedia
Investment specific technological progress — refers to progress that requires investment in new equipment and structures embodying the latest technology in order to realize its benefits.IntroductionTo model how something is produced, think of a box that in one end takes in inputs such as… … Wikipedia
Latin american progress — By the 1950’s Latin American countries had, for the most part become fully integrated into the free flow of international trade. More and more Liberals came into power as the wants of their citizens increased. Land owners wanted to sell their… … Wikipedia
The Pilgrim's Progress — For the Kula Shaker album, see Pilgrims Progress (album). The Pilgrim s Progress … Wikipedia
National Sporting Goods Association — History The National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) has worked on behalf of retailers and dealers since the association’s founders fought an unjust tax on sporting goods in 1927. South Carolina’s General Assembly had approved a 10 percent tax… … Wikipedia
Brunswick Progress Association — The Brunswick Progress Association is a community organisation active in the City of Moreland Council area, and in particular the suburbs of Brunswick and Coburg, inner northern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It was first established… … Wikipedia
work in progress — /ˌwɜ:k ɪn prəυgres/ noun the value of goods being manufactured which are not complete at the end of an accounting period ● Our current assets are made up of stock, goodwill and work in progress. Abbreviation WIP (NOTE: The US term is work in… … Dictionary of banking and finance
cost of goods manufactured — manufacturing cost of finished goods The total production cost of the finished goods transferred from the production facility of an organization during an accounting period. It is made up of the total expenditure for the period on direct… … Accounting dictionary
work-in-progress — N UNCOUNT In book keeping, work in progress refers to the monetary value of work that has not yet been paid for because it has not yet been completed. [BUSINESS] ...five million pounds worth of finished goods and two million pounds worth of work… … English dictionary